Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Download Bulletin 10th & 17th July 2022

Fr Hugh’s Homily for 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Pope is a political realist, he has said about politicians that ‘they can spread fear and disillusion for their own purposes and to enable them or their party or group to take control,’ after all he has lived through dictatorships and civil unrest in Argentina and knows the harshest things politicians and others in power can get up to.   But he is also always hopeful.  Hopeful about humanity.  In his letter Fratelli Tutti, he talks about ‘Political Love or Charity’ which is possibly not what we have been watching on our TVs this week.  What he says about a politician’s duty is : “It is an equally indispensable act of love to  organise and structure society so that one’s neighbour will never  find himself in poverty.  “To be a politician and to have this ideal is to a person who builds bridges rather than causes divisions to be created.”  (Again not a lot of that being seen just now.)……..

Complete Homily for 15th Sunday

Readings for 15th Sunday

Daily Prayers 15th Sunday OT

There will be no website post next weekend so please find attached Daily Prayers for 17th July:

Daily Prayers 16th Sunday OT